
H2 - "Hydrogen - what's it all about

H2 - "Hydrogen - what's it all about

Wednesday 14 September - Venue: Hethel Engineering Centre, Chapman Way, Hethel, Norwich MR14 8FB

Time: 9am Registration Event: 09:30-12:30

Hydrogen: “what’s it all about?”

Are you ready for Hydrogen? With the global drive for clean energy for homes, transport and industry the balance of power is more important than ever before.

With sources and access to energy being separated in to smaller and more diverse fractions; Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Bio-Mass, Geo thermal at-al, as well as traditional; Oil, GAS, and Coal, what are the common denominators for an energy dense, distributed system? Can we keep our insatiable appetite for energy consumption and its production, joined up?

Join Proeon System’s Dr Dorian Hindmarsh and Randall Williams, as we explore Hydrogen as an Energy facilitator, from the basics through to generation, transport and consumption. Covering safety, the rainbow of colours, and why some think it is the wonder transition fuel of the future.

This event will be punchy, factual, and focused, and delegates will leave informed and enlightened in the potential future world of H2.
